written by Panda-ϟϟ
Sep 28, 20181 min read
Simulation 12
Reality is layered from the physical to the spiritual. Seek knowledge of all levels of the hierarchy only to increase the scope of your...
written by Panda-ϟϟ
Sep 25, 20182 min read
Soul Type Test
I recently took a soul type test. The overall categories are hunter, caregiver, creator, thinker, helper, educator, performer, leader and...
written by Panda-ϟϟ
Sep 22, 20181 min read
From the souls perspective, Reincarnation is the process of undergoing life in physical form again and again in order to evolve. Over...
written by Panda-ϟϟ
Sep 16, 20182 min read
Deja Vu Glitch
I started to have deja vu episodes again. They are no longer isolated incidents. Random segments for a whole week brought back memories....
written by Panda-ϟϟ
Sep 10, 20181 min read
The Portal
With my understanding of time rapidly evolving, I can sense a cloud of confusion forming. As I reshape my reality, I am required to...
written by Panda-ϟϟ
Sep 7, 20181 min read
Light Language
When we came into the knowledge of the ascended masters, we come into the awareness of defining the Path. The path back to the source can...
written by Panda-ϟϟ
Sep 4, 20181 min read
Blurred Timelines
Timelines are becoming an intertwined version of the future, past and present. The stellar gateway was to be closed at midnight, acting...
written by Panda-ϟϟ
Sep 1, 20182 min read
Angelic Warrior
Last night I was exploring the astral realm and found myself inside of a foreign house. I was walking towards the stairs, following...
written by Panda-ϟϟ
Aug 29, 20182 min read
A Devilish Deal
I am a soul with divine light. Since lucifer fell from divinity, the devil would be open to making secret agreements to prove he deserves...